End of Orientation Quick-Survey & Digital Badge

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit None


Final Survey Banner

You are at the finish line!

Please take a moment to tell us what you thought about this Canvas Orientation course. Your feedback is important to us.

MCC Canvas101 Completion Digital Badge.png

Tells Us What You Think & Get Your Final Digital Badge 

You can earn digital badges for completing each module of this orientation. Digital Badges are emblems of honor that showcase what skills and knowledge you have gained!

After completing this survey, you will be given access to the Certificate Module to collect a MCC Canvas 101 badge.

Did you miss out? Collect all Six Digital Badges!

Collect all the badges from the Canvas 101 @ MCC Orientation by completing the Digital Badge Claim Challenges at the end of each Module.

The Profiler Digital Badge.pngThe Communicator Digital Badge.pngThe Task Master Digital Badge.pngThe Quiz Guru Digital Badge.pngThe Groupie Digital Badge.pngThe Grading Ace Digital Badge.png

Learn more about digital badges. (7 Things You Should Know About Badges - Educause Article). 

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes