Does Divorce Have A Greater Impact On Men Than Women In Terms Of Depression?

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The writing is on the wall, and both couples have admitted that their marriage is doomed. Who will find it more challenging to adjust to life after divorce, the ex-husband or the ex-wife? Divorce affects men and women differently for a variety of reasons. According to research, living after a divorce is more painful for males than for women, taking a more significant emotional toll and causing physical degeneration. Women file for divorce 70% of the time, and when it comes as a surprise with no time to prepare, it significantly impacts how males deal with divorce. 

Women put forth a lot of effort to cope with grief

On the other hand, women tend to create more emotional bonds with family and friends during marriage than males. As a result, when divorce occurs, they have a support system to assist them in grieving and recovering. On the other hand, many men come to the abrupt understanding that it was their spouse who put in the most effort into maintaining relationships during the marriage and that she is now justified in keeping those connections while he is losing them. Men are also less likely to seek help from a professional, and they suppress their sentiments, believing that expressing their feelings or crying makes them "less of a man." Thirty percent of men who live alone have not seen a doctor in the last year, and 42% do not have a regular doctor. Men's mental, physical, emotional, and relational health is affected by "toxic masculinity," a phrase for damaging assumptions about what it means to be a male. It also leads to men's fear of seeking help from friends, family, physicians, or skilled therapists. 

Men don't visit their children as frequently as they used to

For males, one of the most disturbing aspects of divorce is the inability to see their children every morning, evening, or on weekends as they did when married. The children's mother is usually given primary custody, while the father is given limited time as part of a custody arrangement. Becoming a "weekend dad" is the new, dreaded reality.

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Men have more time away from their children to reflect on significant changes in their lives, whereas moms have more time to be distracted and occupied because they are responsible for their children. Men's anxiousness can rise as they are concerned about losing out on their children's events and milestones, as well as losing the ability to help them grow up with their father by their side.

After a divorce, men's health deteriorates

Divorce has a more significant influence on men's health than women's. While women rely on their support networks, work, and stay busy raising their children as primary caregivers, men face an unanticipated absence. There is no longer a spouse to encourage healthy behaviors or share common concerns after a divorce. Men's daily activities become more sedentary due to the lengthier grieving phase, and restorative practices fall by the wayside.

Men are more than twice as likely as women to have post-divorce depression. After a divorce, men often experience anxiety and hypertension, leading to substance misuse and, in the worst-case scenario, suicide. Every day, ten divorced men in the United States commit suicide. Post-divorce physical health hazards might show in the form of cardiovascular disease and, in some cases, cancer when poor mental health converts into a lack of motivation to eat well and exercise appropriately. 

Men must meet financial commitments

Men's most significant cause of anxiety after divorce is meeting severe financial commitments. Both ex-spouses lose money, although males often lose more money than women — between 10% to 40% — due to alimony and child support obligations, the necessity for a separate place to reside, an extra set of home furniture, and other expenses. It's even worse for guys who make less than 80% of the family's income, and it has been demonstrated that these males have a far harder time making up for missed wages. 

New partnerships merely serve to mask the pain of the previous ones

Men and women deal with divorce pain in different ways. Women, who frequently initiate divorce, may be better prepared for a new beginning. Men's post-divorce behavior can set them up for years of pain. When depressed men are shocked by a recent divorce, they are often scared of being alone, so they hurry into new partnerships. The pain of the divorce is never thoroughly or professionally addressed, failing future "replacement" partnerships.

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