CIS105 Free Tutoring
CIS105 Free Tutoring
Virtual Online Free Tutoring
Students: Do you need help and academic support for your CIS105, BPC110 or your open entry course??
Then come meet Anisia Whiting our tutor!!
- Monday 9am - 1pm
- Tuesday 1pm - 5pm
- Wednesday 11am - 3pm
- Thursday 1pm - 5pm
- Friday 9am - 12pm
Connecting with the Tutor:
Step 1: Click here
Links to an external site. to connect with the tutor (during her tutor hours)
Step 2: Click the login: Current students and staff
Step 3: Enter your MEID and password then select "Log In."
Step 4: When prompted, select "Authorize."
Step 5: You are now in the lobby, the tutor will be with you shortly during her tutor hours. (The very first time that you log in and meet with Anisia during her tutoring hours, you will then be able to schedule additional appointment times as needed.)